Young interior architects in Shanghai

  • Autore/i.................: Yi Chen
  • Anno Edizione......: 2014
  • EAN.........................: 9788891604392
  • Editore....................: Maggioli Editore
  • Collana...................: Politecnica
  • Pagine.....................: 152
22,00 €
Tasse incluse

We spend most of our time in internal spaces. Creating a safe, healthy, ecological, comfortable and elegant internal environment is the starting point and ultimate goal of interior design. This is also the basic requirement imposed on a designer. (Chen Yi) "This discipline is perhaps the most difficult, because it is related to decoration, personal tastes, everyday objects". (Angelo Bugatti) "In general, for architects, there are still quite a lot of social and economical conditions, technological constraints, other than the restriction of contextual environment. But interior architects got more freely atmosphere for their creativity, and more tolerance for their exploration of design". (Zheng Shiling)

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